Do you think of yourself as a cult figure?
A cult figure, that's got religious connotations. It sounds cliquish and clannish. People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young. Back then I guess most of my influences could be thought of as eccentric. Mass media had no overwhelming reach so I was drawn to the traveling performers passing through. The side show performers - bluegrass singers, the black cowboy with chaps and a lariat doing rope tricks. Miss Europe, Quasimodo, the Bearded Lady, the half-man half-woman, the deformed and the bent, Atlas the Dwarf, the fire-eaters, the teachers and preachers, the blues singers. I remember it like it was yesterday. I got close to some of these people. I learned about dignity from them. Freedom too. Civil rights, human rights. How to stay within yourself. Most others were into the rides like the tilt-a-whirl and the rollercoaster. To me that was the nightmare. All the giddiness. The artificiality of it. The sledge hammer of life. It didn't make sense or seem real. The stuff off the main road was where force of reality was. At least it struck me that way. When I left home those feelings didn't change.
It's usually some emotion that just happens right in front of me and I want to keep that emotion forever.
If I have a camera I can. If I don't have a camera I beat myself up for weeks and weeks about how I missed it.
When I modelled, looking sexy was the last thing on my mind.
I would be thinking about bills to pay, planes to take, how I was going to decorate my flat, people I had to call.
Other photographers stick up light meters everywhere to measure light, whereas I just stick up my hand to see how the light looks against it.
I don't know much about flash, I generally use natural light.
I will give my assistant instructions like, 'I want it to have a French movie atmosphere' or, 'I want to see longer shadows on the face'
I spent all my youth working with the world's best photographers as a model and I think much of their knowledge filtered through to me. Bono is one of my favourite subjects to photograph.
When I was 14 or 15, I used to have his picture on my wall because I was such a huge fan of U2. I always felt his eyes piercing out from the poster with that incredible passion of his.
I first met him when I was in my early twenties and we connected instantly.
He has the most amazing face to capture on film.
You know what, I’m in a very interesting phase of being curious and open about everything and everyone right now. People always feel sorry for you if you’re single, but I think it’s the best time. At this point in my life I see a relationship as I want to die with this person.
I’m way too morbid! But sometimes it pops up in my head - is this the person that I want to be in bed with, holding their hand? And are these the last eyes I’m going to look into? So basically that cuts out a lot of people, because how many people do you want to sit and have that experience with? .. If you don’t want to be in a relationship, just put that thought in your head!
When I appeared in Chris Isaak's Wicked Game video, I was running around the beach supposedly looking all dreamy and sensual, well, the reality was quite the opposite.
I was exhausted from flying and we were on this volcanic beach where sand was burning my feet.
It's all shot from the waist up because I was bleeding from the knees down.
The finished video looked fantastic, though, so what's a little suffering?