Monday, January 24

It was a mixture of hating people so much because they just didn't live up to my expectations and just being so fed up with being around the sam

"KURT COBAIN: ABOUT A SON is a profound, almost dream-like account of Cobain's own successes and failures, thoughts and experiences, allowing the audience to gain unprecedented intimacy with this legendary figure."

I always felt that I had a tendency to eventually become schizophrenic. Because I just felt so nervous all the time. I had all these nervous habits, and I almost had like a compulsive disorder of thing I would do; popping my knuckles, itching my face, and flipping my hair. I'd just traded off the habits I had. It was a mixture of like hating people so much because they just didn't live up to my expectations and just being so fed up with being around the same kind of idiot all the time. I mean, everyone was just a carbon copy of one-another that it was obvious in my face and how I reacted towards people, that I couldn't stand them you know, I had this personal vendetta against them because they were so macho and manly and stupid.
I started to be aware of this, that people were noticing that I had this hatred towards alot of people and it was this general consensus with everyone that knew me that I couldn't stand them or I was really edgy all the time. And so I just started feeling neurotic, like paranoid in a way because they knew I was going to freak out any time.
I was sought as this kid who would most likely succeed to bring an AK47 to the school and blow everyone away.
I wanted to fit in somewhere, but not with the average kid, the popular kid at school. I wanted to fit in with the geeks but the geeks were sub-geeks in Aberdeen. They weren't the kind of geeks who listened to Devo, they were just usually deformed.

Kurt Cobain

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