Thursday, August 18

Some times are good, some times are bad It's all a part of life -george harrison

Moment of inner freedom
when the mind is opened & the
infinite universe revealed
& the soul is left to wander
dazed & confus’d searching
here & there for teachers & friends.
jim morrison
"You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself will you find true connection with others." before sunrise

“Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.” Deepak Chopra

“I don’t really want to become normal, average, standard. I want merely to gain in strength, in the courage to live out my life more fully, enjoy more, experience more. I want to develop even more original and more unconventional traits.” Anaïs Nin

“Getting away from it all,” many people want that, and of course ultimately the only way to get away from it all is to go within, now.” Eckhart Tolle

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. d.h. lawrence

“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.” Dalai Lama

When I was young, younger than before
I never saw the truth hanging from the door
And now I’m older—see it face to face
And now I’m older—gotta get up clean the place
nick drake

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